In our current blog series, we have been examining five points of research I’ve come across since the turn of the millennium regarding this startling claim: the church is not making disciples. Let's now consider the condition of men in the church (thanks to No Man Left Behind, Patrick Morley et al., Moody Press, 2006, p 33).
For every 10 men in the church:
All 10 will struggle to balance work & family.
9 will have children who leave the church.
8 will not find their jobs satisfying.
6 will pay the monthly minimum on their credit cards.
5 will have a major problem with porn.
4 will get divorced.
Only 1 will have a biblical worldview.
What word(s) would you choose to describe God’s heart regarding this picture of men in His Church? Do your words differ from those you chose earlier regarding society? Why or why not?
With what words would you describe your heart about this picture of men in the Church?